Feeder School

What does a feeder school mean?

In September 2025, Beckfoot Trust created a local primary feeder school for each of the Trust’s secondary schools. This means that children attending Beckfoot Priestthorpe Primary School and Nursery have priority admission and will be able to attend Beckfoot School providing it is their first choice on their Year 7 application form. Creating a priority feeder school means that our children can benefit from a Beckfoot Trust education throughout their school career. 

How does this work?

Beckfoot School is oversubscribed each year, meaning there are too many applications for the places available. The admissions authority must strictly apply Beckfoot School’s published oversubscription criteria to decide who gets a place. 

Therefore, places will be given to children in the following categories:  

  • Looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admissions authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. 
  • Children who have exceptional social or medical needs, supported by a written recommendation from the child’s paediatrician/consultant or professional from Children’s Services.  
  • Siblings, children whose home address in the school’s priority admission area who have a brother or sister, attending from the same address, who are at present in years 7 – 10 and who will still be attending the school at the time of admission.  
  • Beckfoot Priestthorpe – Children who attend Beckfoot Priestthorpe Primary School & Nursery. 
  • Other children whose home address is in the school’s priority admission area.  
  • Children whose home address is outside the school’s priority admission area who have a brother or sister, attending from the same address, who are at present in years 7 – 10 and who will still be attending the school at the time of admission. 
  • Other children whose home address is outside the school’s priority admission area

It is important to note that if your child attends Beckfoot Priestthorpe Primary School and Nursery they will take priority over children who live in the priority area and those children that have a sibling in the school but do not live in the priority area.  

If you have any questions about the above information, please contact the school office on 01274 564879.