Welcome to Year 1
Our Year 1 pupils enjoy learning about the local area we live in, understanding how to use and create maps, use directions effectively, and draw upon their own knowledge of local landmarks. Our topic curriculum covers a range of topics such as maps, the Great Fire of London, the UK, and British Monarchs. Within science, we impart knowledge on the Human Body, Animals, Seasons, Plants and Magnets. As part of our animal topic , we will visit Yorkshire Wildlife Park as well as other local trips and experiences. Our Maths curriculum is all about number sense and embedding the mathematical foundation blocks on which to build understanding on a variety of concepts. We love to read and engage with beautiful story books that capture our imagination and allow us to think beyond the pages. Our favourites have been ‘Lost and Found’ and ‘Tiddler’. As well as reading for pleasure, children in Year 1 are developing their phonic skills to become confident readers, ready for the Phonics Screening Check. Year 1 is a unique experience where we bridge the transition from Early Years to KS1 through a mixture of focused learning and learning through play.
Ms Cowgill – Ogres Class Teacher